Queries from the Sky.

Does time work against you? Is it time that slowly devours your flesh, ages your skin, shrinks your brain? Is time the silent killer, the morbid pessimist, the reality check that you are far from indesctructible? Are you ok with that, an immovable force dictating you? 


Words that Spark Inspiration

A small collection of acrostic poems

Alchemize – transform the nature or properties of (something) by a seemingly magical process.

At my will, I

let my soul dissolve and

cradle the

hierarchies of

energies present.

may the bound and boundless

integrate with

zero hesitations and an

electrifying seal.

The Suppressed Spirit of Wintertime

I find the hustle and bustle of this time of year to be almost ironically the opposite of how we should be spending this time. Winter should be for retrospection and isolation of self, but instead we expend our energy, stretch it even further thin than we normally do. If you celebrate Christmas, it can be an intense time, spent mostly with others and probably ending with an exhausted huff when you do finally have a moment to yourself. New Year’s Eve and Day, which is only significant to the Gregorian calendar, can be even more exhausting, performative, and guilt ridden. We analyze our calendar years and feel like we haven’t done enough. The season of winter is a challenging one for us humans, simply because we made it that way.

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Earth and Air in Astrology

(click here to read the post I wrote on the natural oppositional nature of fire and water in astrology).

Earth and Air are elemental opposites in astrology. Earth is grounding, mature, reliable, practical, prepared. Air is fickle, highbrow, unquantifiable, clever, curious.

Earth is tangible. You can plant your bare feet into soil and massage it between your toes, grab it and watch it discolour your hands and feet. Air is indefinable on its own. You can watch it sway trees and move oceans, but you cannot see air alone.

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