
Hello! I’m so glad we’re crossing paths right now. My name is Lashanda Forsberg, I’m 25 years old and I was born and raised in Ottawa, Canada, where I currently reside. I am of European and Indian descent. You can usually find me researching all things occult or nestled somewhere reading. I’m a life path number 3 and I’m a Leo sun and an Aries moon and rising.

 What you’re looking at is a childhood dream of mine.

I write. Writing is a core part of my identity. I write when I’m happy, sad, angry, disappointed, excited, nervous, confused. Writing helps me turn seemingly never-ending thoughts in my head into coherent work. Writing helps me take in the world and reflect on it. Writing helps me connect to myself and my experiences. In short, writing has, and continues to, shape who I am as a person.

This blog is a reflection of me and my inner child. As I grow older, I realized I’ve neglected some parts of her; what a shame. I’ve put this dream aside too often, afraid it would be a waste of my time, afraid no one would read or be interested in what I had to say, afraid I needed to monetize my hobby; to hell with all of that. I deserve to honour my inner child and that is what this blog is.

Here, you will find writings of all kinds. Mostly poems, some personal essays, astrology writings and more. Scroll a little further down to see my recent posts and categorized writings (or look to your right if you’re on a desktop). As well, under the “My Shop” tab, I have an Etsy with some digital artwork available for purchase. If you would like to contact me for any reason, please see the “Contact Me” page to find my information.

Thanks for being here! Stay for a while.