Beyond the Body

I would break through veins and veils to have your fingertips on mine,
on me.
I know every ridge and curlicue,
where your nail beds meet their tips, 
and where my skin has reached up to receive them. 

If not for skin, pleasure would weep and trail so effusively out of me.
Every cell and fibre knows no more than response.
A touch so titillating,
you revert me to an ancient form.
Autonomic reception,
an existence purely tactile, 
for the graze and grope of your hands.

I am blessed to be so complex,
as to understand in both mind and body,
what it means to have your fingertips on mine,
on me. 

Peach Hands

I bite in,
raw, with fervour,
it dribbles off my lips and through my fingers.
I am unquenchable, insatiable, 
my hunger, thirst, ripe as a summer’s peach,
but it’s a summer’s love that begs to me,
sticky on my skin, 
nestled in my neck.

I want a love pure as a newborn
and sinful as the dead.
My teeth on yours,
unable to quell desire. 

With your peach heart
in my peach hands, 
I take a bite.

Tamed I may be, by a summer’s love.